Late Fall/Early Winter Gardens

It’s amazing to me how drastic the seasons are here! We had a nice fall season where the temperatures cooled down and we finally saw some rain! I suppose now it’s really early winter and while we have still been seeing some rain, the temperatures have cooled significantly. This year, we are using the hoop house we built last year but have removed the shade cloth and replaced the covering with a layer of frost cover and 6 mil plastic. I had intended to make some end doors but those are still on the “to do” list. We are holding down the fabric and plastic with wood boards. Inside, I am using more wicking containers than last year and have included a deeper leaf mulch layered with alfalfa pellets to stimulate the composting process, thereby producing “heat” for the colder times. If the temperatures are above freezing, we leave the hoop house open and then close the ends when temperatures drop below 32 degrees. Plants growing in the hoop house are collards, radishes, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale (many varieties), swiss chard, red sorrel, celery, spinach, merlot cabbage, peas, carrots, arugula, purslane (just popped up), new zealand spinach, and water cress.

The greenhouse this year is home to some propagation projects, geraniums, and other warm weather and tropical plants that cannot survive frost or freezing temperatures. I also have three kratky method hydroponic buckets with some greens and a purple cauliflower growing this year. The lettuces will stay in the house with sprouts this year for ease of access.

I planted some cover crops in the potato and melon containers and have covered many of the beds with leaves. Throughout the winter months, I will work on mulching and other chores in preparation for spring. It’s nice to have a break from the mowing, weeding, trimming, and watering! Something I rarely experienced when we lived in Florida.

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